4th april

setumangala's picture
About 4th april : PRINT

hi this kolam was drawn by one of our temple devotee mami on the occasion of seetha rama kalyanam

Rangoli: 4th april


sreegiri's picture

beautiful kanya kolam.

anubalki's picture

Beautiful ! Very well drawn

rajamma_2's picture

romba azhagaa irukku. outer design Kathakali head crown maadhiri irukku.

judelined's picture

Very neatly done - looks so beautiful Smile

Vasi's picture

kolam kalyana kalaiyudan erukku.

ammuchandhini's picture

hai mam very lovely kolam...

jkmrao's picture

mangaLAjI, this is really beautiful and gorgeous! I like the borders in the front also. sitAkaLyANa vaibhOgamE, rAmAkaLyANa vaibhOgamE!

Regards! - mOhana

Vinci's picture

Looks gorgeous.. Neat work

alameluranganath's picture

beautiful and nice kolam super

dibbutn's picture

Mangala maam the wavy lines in this kolam and additions in this kolam make this look so pretty. This is something we all can try on a daily basis but I liked the most in this is the thin lines of the maavu

indira sundar's picture

Wow... Excellent ... I love the border.. I want to try this, but no space........but i have lot of space in my mind...-Indira

setumangala's picture

தேங்க்ஸ் டு ஆல்

jayamohan's picture

இந்திராஜி, உங்கள் 'மன' கோலத்தை நாங்கள் பார்க்க முடியாதே?

setumangala's picture

good joke

lakshmiraghu's picture

beautiful kolam