High five and huge six!

jkmrao's picture
About High five and huge six! : PRINT

Here is a basic five-fold pattern rotated six-fold. Elliptical flowers of five- and six- fold symmetry are present in this. Lamps and hibiscus flowers are added for extra lustre. Enjoy!

Regards! - mOhana

Rangoli: High five and huge six!


Vinci's picture

I type lot of words, by mistake my index finger is so fond of backspace button, I don't why? Still I wanted to register my entry into your space... Thank you for highlighting "symmetry" in your comments.. I wasn't aware of it earlier (before joining ikolam).

Enjoyed the lustre of hibiscus flower aka shoe flower with lamps, ofcourse with the five petalled flowers..

Rajusree's picture

Nice kolam. We can try it for padikolam too.

rajamma_2's picture

Nice way of mingling 5 and 6 fold symmetry here. The hibiscus flower petals look great.

ammuchandhini's picture

hai sir nice design for a padi kolam ofcourse the shoe flower design is so natural

judelined's picture

That 5 petal flower ooks like the chethi poo in my grandma's garden, thanks for bringing warm memories JKM - and the shoe flower looks so pretty too - in short a lovely kolam (http://farm1.static.flickr.com/136/339701437_4daa064853.jpg)

alameluranganath's picture

nice design sir

viji_j86's picture

nice kolam

aparna ashokkumar's picture

Excellent kolam

dibbutn's picture

Mohana sir pretty design... the central design will look nice as a ear ring

Vasi's picture

Very nice kolam.

sreegiri's picture

nice kolam.

lakshmiraghu's picture

looks different...i like the design