ugathi kolam

Vasi's picture


jkmrao's picture

A good ornamental rangOli in white and red. Really pretty and the flowers further enhance the prettiness.

Regards! - mOhana

ammuchandhini's picture

hai mam beautiful double stroked kaavi kolam thanks for sharing

rajamma_2's picture

r It looks as though the kolam is floating on the floor carrying the flowers along with them!May be the wavy lines give this effect. good job.

nithyaashok's picture

Beautiful padi kolam with kavi and the double stroke gives extra beauty to the kolam

alameluranganath's picture

kanya kolam nice one

dibbutn's picture

Vasi maam the double strokes you have used make this kolam look more beautiful and the kaavi too makes it look more pretty.

sreegiri's picture

nice kanya kolam.

indira sundar's picture

Looking very beautiful.........-Indira

sudhabalakrishnan's picture

vasi maam, really the padikolam looks very fantastic and very beautfiul

lakshmiraghu's picture

very nice kolam kaavi gives rich look to this...

Vinci's picture

Nice kanya kolam with neat strokes... Double strokes add beauty to the kolam...

Vasi's picture

Thanks to all of you for the comments, encouraging me to do better in future.

judelined's picture

Your double stroke looks like you have drawn two separate lines - very well done - neat also Smile

Radha.H's picture

its looking very very nice, thanks mam

umaraja's picture

looks neat and shows ur tolerance 2 complete such a big wk

divyasridhar's picture
