Basic Grid of Women's day rangoli (IWD)

brindhanagesh's picture
About Basic Grid of Women's day rangoli (IWD) : PRINT

This is the framework I started with. Each square is 1 sq cm. Earlier I had transferred the design to a graph sheet (mm graph). Then each square was filled with a dot ( a pinch) of colour powder. I completed during the course of two days.

Rangoli: Basic Grid of Women's day rangoli (IWD)


ammuchandhini's picture

wow mam wonderful to see how hard u have worked for that MASTERPIUECE with regards

Sumathi.v's picture

Great work Brindha

judelined's picture

This is really, truly unbelievable Brindha - HEIGHT OF PATIENCE IS SURELY BRINDHA Smile I have goosebumps seeing this picture now - One thing I must say is that I am proud to say I am your friend Smile

nithyaashok's picture

no words to express my appreciation,excellent work done

rajamma_2's picture

Brindha, hats off to ur patience.

medha devdas's picture

wow............grt wrk

Sumathi.v's picture

Brindha thanks for sharing the pic and the explanation too

sjnt's picture

Brindha, After seeing the grid, I went bak to see whayt is it about as I had no idea since I don't get to see ikolam daily now a days. Ur crossstich rangoli was one of its kind. after seeing the grid for it, I feel Brindha, you should have been in some creative field. How many talents like these are being unnoticed by the outside world?Thanks to ikolam for being a platform for her talents. Hats off to you.

jayashree_v's picture

Oh! my God!!! wow wow wow...repeating wot Judy ma'am said this is really the HEIGHT OF PATIENCE... simply speechless....

lakshmiraghu's picture

Brindha, I'm Speechless....hats off to ur patience,yes judy & jayanthiji,ur right...ur great Brindha!

ankita seth's picture

i am amazed ... speechless....after i saw this ... i again went back to the final rangoli.... its'am u r gr8 .... too good .....

vyjayanthi16's picture

Brinda mam u have boat-load of patience!!!!

Vinci's picture

Oh My Goodness, I'm stunned the way you have executed the work.. Transferring the details from the graph sheet to the working table and pinching the colors.. Truly its Unbelievable..
Drawing staraight lines on table about a quater of inch difference for sure its a painstaking work, Even with a drafter its tedious to draw..

And thanks for posting the picture which has answered all the speculations made on your work.. No words to add..

PATIENCE - Understood the real meaning..

Gayathri.H's picture

Mam what an effort u have made for this work..really unbelievable, spellbound...Thanks for sharing

Rajusree's picture

That's unbeleivable work. That's a tedious work and u've made all of us feel proud, as we're all members of ikolam and see ur work.

brindhanagesh's picture

Thanks everyone for the overwhelming appreciation for my patience.