Dotted Kolam

Bhavani Mayilvahanan's picture
About Dotted Kolam : PRINT

This is a simple dotted kolam coloured to give a different look.... I hope you will like it.
This kolam is made infront of my house on one Friday morning...........

Rangoli: Dotted Kolam


ammuchandhini's picture

hai mam a simple kolam looking divine with regards

judelined's picture

Quite a common kolam but done with a different finish - good work Smile

nithyaashok's picture

very nice friday kolam

alameluranganath's picture

bhavani the color combination is very superb. always yellow and red is a gud combination dear.

rajamma_2's picture

Simple kolam neatly drawn and colored suitably with manjalkunkumum for a Friday.

jkmrao's picture

How an ordinary rangOli is made to look extraordinarily beautiful!

Regards! - mOhana

dibbutn's picture

Bhavani maam this is an awesome kolam with lovely coloring of manjal and kumkum... a sumangali kolam

lakshmiraghu's picture

your kolam looks mangalakaram...

sjnt's picture

simple and beautiful.

sreegiri's picture

nice kolam.

Vinci's picture

Opt kolam for Friday..

Lata's picture