yet another inspirational kolam

ammuchandhini's picture
About yet another inspirational kolam : PRINT

hai to everybody please someone explain to me how to draw double strokes will it come by practising? anyways how is this kolam

Rangoli: yet another inspirational kolam


sudhabalakrishnan's picture

ammuji, the kolam is really cute and sweet. As far as double stroke is concerned it come by practising.

Lata's picture

Rangoli looks pretty Rani. Nice bright colors, and big borders around the corners. I can see the number of chambers of the heart very clearly. (the 4th one is at the back, right?) Smile

There is only one thing missing. Some bright nail polish on your toes. Here is my tip; if you are going to wear a black saree for the meet, your nails need to shine in either silver or gold (ligher irridescent shades though), or any other prominent contrasting color from your saree. Dare to try and let me know the compliments/criticisms you get? Evvaluvu bet (want to bet)? Smile

Vinci's picture

Neat work, Color have placed in right place.. Reg. Double strokes you need the middle finger to play its role, Final stroke - Comes with great practice, As I'm still in the beginner's stage...

Lata - What a color combination!!!...

lakshmiraghu's picture

Rani your colour full doily loosks very beautiful...this is looks like jadabillai....

ammuchandhini's picture

hai thanx to all as far the nail polish shade latha i shall try it on the meet and let u know the views by our members just one thing yaar that was my daghter who clicked it for me

subashini's picture

Beautiful kolam Rani.I will show how to draw double stroke in our chennai meet.

jayamohan's picture

Lata. 'bulb'a? I'm sure you take it in the lighter sense!
Rani your rangoli is bright and prominent.
You have not yet approved the color for the meet.

lakshmiraghu's picture

Jayaji why???hehe

subashini's picture

How is it possible Rani? you said that was your daughter who clicked it for you.but we see her toes.Engo idikkira maadhi irukkay?

ammuchandhini's picture

of course subhashiniji she is standing this side of the kolam as u see it is in a slope i am putting all kolams no idi samacharam it is her toes only

ammuchandhini's picture

black is okay with me u can't imagine how crazy i am with the col BLACK

Lata's picture

Chennai meet members; I think Jayaji wants another color for consideration, instead of black Smile

Lata's picture

quick, throw another color, before she calls us "tubelight" :0

nithyaashok's picture

neat and bright kolam

lakshmiraghu's picture

jayaji/lata how about rainbow color saree?? hmmm....

subashini's picture

jaya, don't you like block?

aparna ashokkumar's picture

Wonderful colour kolam.nice design.

judelined's picture

Jaya bulboo tubelitoo we are all coming in black - even Navi said she will be in black salwar because she does not have black saree. By the way Rani this is a neat jadaibillai for sure. Looks like temple jewellery to me Smile

Gayathri.H's picture

Mam neat and gud coloring

ammuchandhini's picture

thanks to all for ur comments with luv