30th dec 09

setumangala's picture
About 30th dec 09 : PRINT

pl dind attached kilam of 3oth day 90 drawn in front of main gate of our house . it is old design

Rangoli: 30th dec 09


rajamma_2's picture

The traditional star design.Sethumangala madam, I can see most of your kolams in my old kolam note book.This kolam is very easy to put once you know where to start and where to end.

Padma Prakash's picture

Though it is a old design its good. Can you pls tell me the dot count.

setumangala's picture

dots from centre 11 to three both sides . on all sides 5 to 3 dots thanks again

Lata's picture

Lovely dotted kolam. I would like to make it too. I think I have this in one of my books. I'll see.

judelined's picture

Yes a very traditional old design which I too have - only I have the blades on the reverse side (clockwise) - nice Smile

lakshmiraghu's picture

beautiful dotted kolam..keep it up mangalaji.

dibbutn's picture

Mangala maam a nice kolam... yes I too have this in my collection

ushavenkatesh's picture

beautiful dotted kolam sethumangala madam.

sudhabalakrishnan's picture

managala maa, beatifully drawn traditional kolam