
jkmrao's picture
About paDikOlam-30 : PRINT

Here is a paDikOlam done with octagons and inside-out tear drop patterns.
Enjoy! Regards - mOhana

Rangoli: paDikOlam-30


sreegiri's picture

beautiful design.

rajamma_2's picture

The white and orange design on a black background is looking very attractive.admiring the mirror image design in the center.

dibbutn's picture

Mohana sir this looks so beautiful... especially the inside design

Sumathi.v's picture

very attractive design and color combination

lakshmiraghu's picture

beautiful design..i like the inside design...

Rajusree's picture

Very attractive design. The colors look really grand.

ushavenkatesh's picture

beutiful design.inside design looks nice.

judelined's picture

The central flower looks different and nice - as usual another nice creation Smile