Margazhi Rangoli
About Margazhi Rangoli : PRINT
Straight dots 19 - 1
This is one of my favourite chikku kolams. I put this in the month of Margazhi and am uploading this now only. Chikku kolams give me immense satisfaction as I find it quite challenging and relaxing and when done I feel happy - but this one should have been a little more perfect I feel. Look forward to your comments friends
Mon, 2010-02-22 18:17
nice very neatly drawn,
Mon, 2010-02-22 18:45
I am copying it in my book, Judy dear. Me too a fan of chikku kolam and similar feelings like you. But of late due to old age I could not put pulli kolam since its difficult to remember the pattern while putting.
here u have done full justice, it has comeout very nice.The feeling of still making it perfect comes from all good artists... ask Lakshmi !
Mon, 2010-02-22 19:33
Judy, You feel this is not perfect? You mean, the best is yet to come? We wait for that eagerly!
Mon, 2010-02-22 20:22
Wow! neatly drawn madam, i like it very much, the uniform flow of kola powder made the kolam perfect and more attractive.
Mon, 2010-02-22 22:11
nice one...not perfect??? i am searching for the mistakes...hmm may be the center 8petalled flower could have been another small chikku kolam, but again its just a suggestion....definitely a great challenge, i will also take it
Mon, 2010-02-22 22:14
Judy maam I agree with you nothing is more satisfying that drawing a chiku kolam flawlessly and I too love them more than the design kolams and this kolam is more perfect than it can actually be... beautifully drawn
Tue, 2010-02-23 01:18
Judy, you say it is not perfect! It is really fantastic dear! this is looking like painted one. i too love to see chikku kolams but cannot make one like this. i want to learn it but laziness i think which prevetns me from it. You are proving your talents:)
Tue, 2010-02-23 02:03
wow!!beautiful strokes!!neatly drawn keep it up judy,rajammaji yes me to...hehehe
Tue, 2010-02-23 02:58
Thanks Sethumangala. Rajamma (I too have old age problems because after I finish such a big kolam back pain will start - I practice the kolam once before putting so I remember the design). Jaya you will have to wait because I am perfecting the art (hehe). Nithya it is quite a task to make the podi flow out evenly. Anirudh I will make a new one with the centre chikku kolam next time for sure. Pushpa same pinch - I just draw flower kolams because everyone does it but if given a choice I would go for chikku kolams only - infact i wanted to submit this kolam only for the contest but was very sure that i'd be the odd one out. To my surprise there were few entrants who submitted kolams like this also and I feel I should have gone by my first instinct only. Brindha I am sure if you make one small attempt you will definitely be my very strong competitor - you are also very good in playing with your fingers I know. Lakshmi thanks for your comments
Tue, 2010-02-23 09:30
I think I've this design in my collection - must animate it one day (after I'm done with Rajam's chiku kolam).
Wed, 2010-02-24 04:13
Fantasitc Judy. Someday I try to put this in wet maavu. My mom loved to put these type of kolams in her young age. I need the paper/book beside to put these kolams.
Sat, 2010-03-06 03:06
I am also a lover of sikku kolam. Your concentration is awesome. Keep it up.. Excepting more such perfect arts from you...
Sun, 2010-03-14 22:25
Hey Lata waiting to see the animated version soon
Jayanthi, of course when I do big ones like this I practice once on paper and keep it near me just to clear those small doubts that occur while putting them and I am eagerly waiting for your wet maavu creation too 

BalaChandrasekaran glad to know that you too love chikku kolams and I will definitely upload more of my kolams for you to see and enjoy