SivarAtri special

jkmrao's picture
About SivarAtri special : PRINT

Here is a rangOli created with a linga. What prompted this is the sUrya-SaSAMka-vahni-nayanm in the SlOka. This linga has sun outside, moon inside and fire (light) at the centre. Normally I don't use five-fold symmetry as it is not amenable to translations (systematic movements in two directions). Today i am choosing five-fold symmetry as Siva is a paMchamukha (five-faced). I used the bilva leaves (kindly supplied by SrImati lakshmIdEvi and therefore all puNya to her Smile in between the lingas. AAt the centre I placed a nAgamalli (nAgaliMga) flower as there is a linga shape in this flower. I also used akunda flowers in the vacant spaces as this is supposed to be a favourite of the God Siva. The symmetry is not perfect due to the bilva leaves.

Siva SivEti SivEti vA
bhava bhavEti bhavEti vA
hara harEti harEti vA
bhaja manaSSivaEti niraMtaraM

Regards! - mOhana

Rangoli: SivarAtri special


dibbutn's picture

Mohana sir a very unusual and pretty arrangment

nithyaashok's picture

wow! Extraordinary siva lingams

nithyaashok's picture

i used to get Nagalinga flowers frequently from our Temple near Pollachi, just a beautiful flower and nature is nature, such a exact position of linga and nagam in that flower, i will post it soon

sudhabalakrishnan's picture

Sir, excellent arrangement. All the three objects used are really fantastic.

subashini's picture

your lingam and vilva pathra are so good.

lakshmiraghu's picture

Very beautifuly arranged...heart full of thanks for ur blessings..
afetr seeing this I remembers one sloka....

SPutam Spatika Saprabham sPuTita hATaka shrIjaTam |

shashAMkadala shEKaram kapilaPullanEtratrayam ||

jayamohan's picture

Five-fold symmetry depicts 'panchaakshara' also!

sreegiri's picture

Very nice rangoli.

alameluranganath's picture

nice kolam

judelined's picture

A very lovely arrangement JKM - the green is awesome Smile As usual a wonderful creation Smile

anirudh's picture

thank you soo much mOhanaji, very ideal and special for Shivaraatri.

thridaLam thriguNaakaaram thriNEthram cha thriyaayudham|

thrijanma paapa samhaaram yEkabilvam shivaarpaNam||

bilvaanaam darshana punyam sparshaanam paapanaashanam|

aghoora paapa samhaaram yEkabilvam shivaarpaNam||