Contest entry 1-15-1 STRAIGHT LINE DOTS: VANNA MAYA DEEPAVALI 2016 by RaghaRadha


BalaChandrasekaran's picture

colourful kolam.all tne best.

RaghaRadha's picture

Thank U BalaChandrasekaran. Smile

revathiilango's picture

Very nice Radha. Smile All the best Smile

RaghaRadha's picture

Thank U Revathi. Smile

sharmilraj's picture

Festive colours and lamps. Beautiful

RaghaRadha's picture

Thank U sharmilraj. Smile


Colour ful... light full.. crakers full... veeeeery nice... Smile Smile Smile :crown:

RaghaRadha's picture

Thank U Amudha. Smile's picture

Awesome radha mam...
All the best....

RaghaRadha's picture

Thank U sailu. Smile

vasumathy sathish's picture

Awesome colours with crackers around superb and apt rangoli for Diwali

RaghaRadha's picture

Thank U Vasu. Smile

rasri1991's picture

Wow...... This is only the Diwali Rangoli. 3 types of Crackers, Birds, Flowers, Peacock Feathers and their color combinations all are very very.......super. :love:

RaghaRadha's picture

THANK U rasri1991. Smile

s_kavita's picture

Very beautiful...amazing concept....

RaghaRadha's picture

Thank U Kavita. Smile

ananthiraju's picture

with crackers,great,all the best

RaghaRadha's picture

Thank U Mam.

chandy's picture

All things of Deepavali ! together in a very beautiful Rangoli! Peacocks, crackers, flowerpots all superb!!

RaghaRadha's picture

Thank U chandy. Smile

Lata's picture

Wow! What stylish pairs of birds and other design elements! FAbulous work!

Thank you for participating and best wishes. Smile

RaghaRadha's picture

Very Happy & Thank U Lata for given Second Place and for yr. nice comments. Smile Smile

revathiilango's picture

Congrats... Smile Smile Smile

RaghaRadha's picture

Thank U Revathi. Smile

jyotsnapathak's picture

congratulations!!! Smile

RaghaRadha's picture

Thank U jyotsnapathak and Wish U the same. Smile


CONGRATS RADHA... H) H) H) :crown: :crown: :crown:

RaghaRadha's picture

Thank U very much Amudha. Smile

rema.ramani's picture

Amazing concept

RaghaRadha's picture

Thank U rema.ramani Mam. Smile