Chikku Kolam with 19-1 straight dots paper version of my previous floor kolam

vasumathy sathish's picture
About Chikku Kolam with 19-1 straight dots paper version of my previous floor kolam : PRINT

Rangoli Chikku Kolam: Chikku Kolam with 19-1 straight dots paper version of my previous floor kolam by vasumathy sathish

Rangoli: Chikku Kolam with 19-1 straight dots paper version of my previous  floor kolam


vasumathy sathish's picture

Procedure for

RaghaRadha's picture

This paper version is also nice. Please now onwards have photos of step by step of yr. rangolis's floor version. I just asked to enjoy the beauty of yr. wonderful chikku floor version. Smile

vasumathy sathish's picture

Sure dear will do hereafter. Thank u very much

RaghaRadha's picture

It is not easy to draw chikku and that too U'r doing difficult & big one. The close look will give more happy and will help to another chikku also. Smile Thank U.