Saturday special!

Geetha Ramesh's picture
About Saturday special! : PRINT

Rangoli Freehand Rangoli: Saturday special! by Geetha Rameshkumar

Rangoli: Saturday special!


moniprakashmp4's picture

Wow! eye catching. :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

Geetha Ramesh's picture

Thanks Moni Smile Smile

Durgadeviramesh's picture

Superb design and colourful geetha friend

Geetha Ramesh's picture

Thanks DD Smile Smile

RaghaRadha's picture

How cool for eyes these colors U know? I appreciate yr. love of creations of different designs of yr. own unique.

Geetha Ramesh's picture

Thanks Radha it is only after ur comment am really admiring my kolam again Smile Smile