Usually my kolu consists of 2PARTS.Firt Part Kolu Bommai arranged in the 5steps, dolls made of Mud,paper,Marble,Stone,plastics etc., Second part Theme kolu-SriSeethaRama Pattabhisheka & His Bhaktha Prahladha Pattabhisheka.--RaghaRadha.

Contest entry Golu Contest - 2015: SRIRAMA RAJYAM by RaghaRadha


RaghaRadha's picture

Thank You Ikolam for the opportunity given to showcase my kolu to the world. Smile

chandy's picture

Super! :love:

ushabilgi's picture

Very nice!

ushabilgi's picture

Nicely done Smile

Maneesha Rajeshkumar's picture

vry good dolls and themes