Dedication kolam

abhijith's picture
About Dedication kolam : PRINT

Rangoli Freehand Rangoli: Dedication kolam by abhijith

Rangoli: Dedication kolam


abhijith's picture

I wish to dedicate this Kolam to Durga
as she didn't turn up for the past
few months... I Wish her
to be back soon...

Geetha Ramesh's picture

Lovely Abhi mam.

abhijith's picture

Thanks a lot :love:

ananthiraju's picture

very attractive,beautiful stroke,love your stroke and the decoration,besides the matching kutty(small) kolams to the main kolams always you do.

abhijith's picture

Thanks maa... Happy to read your comments always... :love:

Netra sriram's picture

Heart touching dedication :love:

abhijith's picture

Thanks :love: