
sudhasankar's picture


rajamma_2's picture

This kolam ,I think most of us have tried in different style, Here it tastes great with orange flavour.( I do not know why I remember'Kuchchi kuchchi Raakkammaa' song now)

lakshmiraghu's picture

beautiful..nice stroks.looks different.

dibbutn's picture

Nicely done sudha ma'am...

jkmrao's picture

Very pleasing to look at. If you don't mind, why did you change the direction for the south-east curve?

Regards! - mOhana

Lata's picture

Very beautiful! Smile

Rajusree's picture

Looks very nice.

Sarasp's picture

Woh! very nice!

judelined's picture

I know why you remember that song Rajamma Blum 3 Looks like you have drawn this kolam with chalk Sudha - cute Smile