Rangoli -1

lakshmiraghu's picture


priya rao's picture

good one

lakshmiraghu's picture

thank u so much priya

pari_swetha's picture

fabulous work. how come it is lookoing in blue settings please explain

lakshmiraghu's picture

Hi swetha thanks for ur appreciation.the photo is taken early morning hrs(5.45 to 6am)before full sun rise.

sarayu's picture

its really fantastic Ijus wana know if it done with dots????????????????

I wonder if u havn't used dots for ur artistic talent

lakshmiraghu's picture

sarayu thank u soooooo much for ur appreciation.hahah this is free hand rangoli.

Lata's picture

And because Lakshmi's most of the rangolis are done in early morning...I'm going to name her the Queen of Dawn! Smile

lakshmiraghu's picture

hi Lata iam going to celebrate 13th nov as one more nameing cermoney day.hahahha thank u soo much.

jagadha's picture

very beautiful!!!

lakshmiraghu's picture

Jagadha thank you sooo much...