Thamizh Puthaandu Nal Vaazhthukkal-2014

vijaysowmya's picture
About Thamizh Puthaandu Nal Vaazhthukkal-2014 : PRINT

Dear friends...Iniya Thamizh Puthaandu Nalvaazhthukkal...Happy Tamil New year...Wishing you all a prosperous year ahead. Smile A maakolam for the occasion.

Rangoli: Thamizh Puthaandu Nal Vaazhthukkal-2014


umaraja's picture

Welcome back sowmi, ,,, a neat and divine maakolam looking bright on d auspicious day,,,,, :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: puthaandu vaalthukkal sowmi,,,,

Suguna Murugesan's picture

Wow wow sowmi back with bang Smile ennavoru nerthiyaana izhai Smile totally rocks Smile indeed Smile .. Iniya puthaandu nal vaazhthukkal to you and your family Smile Dirol :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

ananthiraju's picture

Seeing your padikolam after a break.Beautiful design.Beautiful decoration with wet maavu also,of course that is your speciality.Eniya Tamil puththandu vaazhthukkal to u and your family.

chandy's picture

Excellent! As usual a superb maa kolam! Thank you for sharing!

shanthi r's picture

how you draw such a beautiful rangoli with wet maavu mam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jayamohan's picture

Very pretty and apt for an auspicious day! Puththandu vaazhthukkal!

yams yamuna's picture

White print on the floor mam! Wish you a happy tamil new year mam Smile finish and decoration are wonderful mam Smile

lakshmiraghu's picture

Excellent! as usual a superb Smile

jayamohan's picture

A 'vishu'al treat!