Krishna jeyanthi kolam

rema.ramani's picture
About Krishna jeyanthi kolam : PRINT

Krishna jeyanthi special kanya kolam. Share with my ikolam friends

Rangoli: Krishna jeyanthi kolam


Suguna Murugesan's picture

lovely kolam rema ramani mam Smile

Purni's picture

Looks Amazing, Rema Ma'am.... Elegantly Created.....
Wishing You and Yours a Wonderful Janmashtami.....

vijaysowmya's picture

Lovely padikolam and well designed by you mam. Smile A very neat looking kolam Smile

subashini's picture

lovely padi kolam design by you rema madam.

ammuchandhini's picture

nice padikolam rema mam

ananthiraju's picture

Lovely design,Kutty krishan paatham at the center is so divine.