Free Hand Design

vijaysowmya's picture
About Free Hand Design : PRINT

Dear friends...a free hand design for your views. Smile

Rangoli: Free Hand Design


Suguna Murugesan's picture

Wow wow.......dumbstruck sowmi!!! So thin and neat lines are very beautiful :star: :star: :star:

vijaysowmya's picture

Thanks for your instant comment suguna. Smile

umaraja's picture

slender beauty sowmi,,,, inner design is d highlight,,,, uniformity adds more beauty

ammuchandhini's picture

Wow...a padi kolam pattern with lines...looks so different sowmi...verrrrry neat as usual :)congrats sowmi on rod Smile

Suguna Murugesan's picture

Congrats Smile

umaraja's picture

congrats sowmi

dibbutn's picture

Congrats on ROD Sowmy... such a pretty rangoli ... even without colors it looks so good dear... so much patience in drawing the lovely lines... hats off to you.

vijaysowmya's picture

Thanks for selecting this as ROD and all the friends for leaving their wonderful comments. Smile

Purni's picture

Congrats on the ROD, Sowmya Ma'am.... what else could I say... it is just mindblowing.... Smile

BalaChandrasekaran's picture

fabulous sowmy,congrats for rod.

subashini's picture

congrats on rod sowmi.very neat and lovely kolam.

aarchi's picture

Congrats on ROD Sowmi.,All your kolams are beautiful, perfect as usual. I love all your kolams. You and Rani motivated me again with your daily kolams. Thank you dear.

aarchi's picture

Congrats on ROD Sowmi.,All your kolams are beautiful, perfect as usual. I love all your kolams. You and Rani motivated me again with your daily kolams. Thank you dear.

Priya Varshini's picture

Wow excellent job. Congrats on rod madam.Best thats y ur work selected as rod.

lakshmiraghu's picture

what padi kolam...looks grand and beautiful