Free Hand Design-Small kolams

vijaysowmya's picture
About Free Hand Design-Small kolams : PRINT

Hello friends...Happy to see you all after a short leave Smile .......Hope all are doing fine and had a nice summer break... Here is a small kolam to begin with....Hope you all like this and as usual waiting for your comments. Smile

Rangoli: Free Hand Design-Small kolams


ammuchandhini's picture

Habbaada...greattt to see u back sowmi....lovely padikolam done on such a wonderful base Smile

Suguna Murugesan's picture

wow...welcome back to ikolam sowmi....very pretty free hand kolam :love:

vijaysowmya's picture

Thanks Rani and Suguna for your instant comments. Smile

umaraja's picture

welcome back sowmi,,,, neatly executed kolam,,, pretty

admin's picture

Welcome back, Sowmya! You have no idea how much these type of intricate beauties were missed! Biggrin :love:

BalaChandrasekaran's picture

sowmy another white beauty with excellent intricate work.

lakshmiraghu's picture

very very beautiful kolam....nice strokes

dibbutn's picture

Magically beautiful pattern without colors too it looks so pretty and elegant.