
Submitted by Lata on
I was gone on a trip for a couple of days, and when I got back home, found some mismatched items in our kitchen. The coffee filter base is one of the items gone, and the only other person who "operates" that device other than me is my husband, of course! To avoid the blame game, Mani would go to any length to cover up his act! Look at how he solved the problem, and keeps mum about it. And, no, I dare not complain, because he makes good coffee. :)
Hi Lata , this is common in our house.. am sure this is great idea of Maniji ... let me clap ... my hubby usually says " imagination makes the world " .....atlast no patience for me !!!.. need to adjust in every walk of life.
Thu, 09/17/2009 - 20:35 Permalink
Wav!! this is a good idea even though coffee maker, i mean the machine -does the job now a days. , And who talks abt patience? we can't believe that Lakshmi, Ur kolams don't say so.
Thu, 09/17/2009 - 20:59 Permalink
The base of the filter could be found in the fridge or freezer with some leftover items in it, I am sure lata.Pls chek.
Thu, 09/17/2009 - 21:01 Permalink
Appadiya Lakshmi, can you prove such things happen in your house too, possibly by posting photos? :) just kidding. Jayanthiji, I'll check into the fridge tomorrow, I just got back, and want to check this site, and go to bed. Did I mention I am pleased that you have found a way to comment here, frequently. I missed you sometime back, when you're absent from the site. I know life gets busy too often. :)
Thu, 09/17/2009 - 22:35 Permalink
Oh.... Thanx Lata. Pls call me Jayanthy. Pooja holidays started from today till Oct 4th. Going to be busy with building pooja celebrations, preprations for my son's wedding in Nov end at BBY, immediately after return, school musical programme etc then X'mas holidays. Period between 2 long holidays , very hectic.
Fri, 09/18/2009 - 05:59 Permalink

In reply to by sjnt

Sure, I can call you Jayanthi. Did you say wedding? How exciting? Congratulations to you and your son. When you told me about your picture being taken for your son's engagement, I was under the impression that your son was already married. Thank you for giving us a heads up about how busy you're going to be, literally from today on... :)
Fri, 09/18/2009 - 10:27 Permalink
Lata, you know what I find inside my fridge? TV remote, specs, wrist watch....
Fri, 09/18/2009 - 07:36 Permalink
Lata, appreciate Mani for the creative mind. (otherwise you will loose best coffee). viji
Fri, 09/25/2009 - 04:37 Permalink