Teach me

anbusangeeth's picture
About Teach me : PRINT

Hai everybody, I seen this kolam in the net, but i don't know how many dot and the full sketch of this kolam. If any body knows, teach me. tks.

Rangoli: Teach me


Lata's picture

Hi Ms.Sangeetha, do you have a complete copy of this image, by any chance? Maybe you could upload that, so I could replace this image, and that might also speed up your chance of getting help in figuring out how to make this kolam. Smile

jkmrao's picture

Most likely 21 to 10, staggered dots.

Regards! - mOhana

rajamma_2's picture

It should be 21- 11 inbetween dots I. will try drawing it and send.

anbusangeeth's picture

No dear i have only this much. Just i have cut the unwanted pics around that kolam.

anirudh's picture

yes, this is 21X11 - i think, i have this in my collection, will scan & send.

judelined's picture

A very pretty kolam Sangeetha - let's see if I can do it too..

Lata's picture

Ms.Sangeetha, here is the link for the kolam you requested. Thank you for contacting us, it was a fun exercise! Smile


Thank you members for providing dot count for this kolam.

anirudh's picture

nice lataji....i just uploaded from my collection