pencil kolam - 8

radpri's picture
About pencil kolam - 8 : PRINT

I am sorry, till this month end i am takeing break from ikolam because of personal reasons and also notable to sent any comments to your beautiful kolams & designs,
missing you lot...

Rangoli: pencil kolam - 8


rajamma_2's picture

Nice drawing with red pearls here and there.
Donot worry Pushpa, all members will be busy since Navrathri is approaching. Join us when u r free.rajamma

Purni's picture

Beautifully done, Radhaji..... We too miss You a lot....

anirudh's picture

nice fishes, thanks for highlighting the design with the blue, red, green colors, makes it more appealing.

Lata's picture

Intricate drawing! Smile

judelined's picture

The small flower in the centre is very pretty and the rest has such minute details - let me see if I can copy one of these some time Smile waiting for you to get back Radha - take care Smile

indira sundar's picture

Nice fish kolam.... Fishes are very cute...


lakshmiraghu's picture

nice designs radha.