birds kolam

sridevi72's picture
About birds kolam : PRINT

Another interesting kolam-can anyone guess the dot
count please?

Rangoli: birds kolam


lakshmiraghu's picture

looks colourful and grand ..nice strokes and colour match...lovely border...

vijaysowmya's picture

Such a huge and grand kolam Sridevi. Looks very pretty with nice colours.

sridevi72's picture

for sure it is so beautiful. But I didn't do it.
I was so impressed with this that i wanted to know
the dot count with the help of ikolam members.

Suguna Murugesan's picture

wow colourful sankaranthi kolam Smile

sridevi72's picture

This is the art work of the family members of
Prabhakarachary. They are really talented.


Woooooooow Spell bound creation... Excellent border... Smile

sridevi72's picture

The credit goes to Prabhakarachary who made this
available to us all.

jkmrao's picture

Looks like it was drawn on the base of 17 dots, i.e., 1,3,5...,13,15,17,15,13,....,5,3,1.

Of course I have a fundamental problem with such rangOlis. They are really not dotted rangOlis. Dots are used only to serve as a guide since the patterns always do not pass through or circumvent them. A creative person can draw these in free hand without the use of dots.

Regards! - mOhana

sridevi72's picture

oh i see!!! Thank you for your explanation.

dibbutn's picture

Absolutely wonderful... so very well done with excellent coloring.

Anushapradha's picture

The dot count for this kolam is 34-2 straight dots...... I will try to give a pencil sketch for this....... Smile