Margazhi special

Mala_kolam's picture


Lata's picture

Welcome to ikolam! Smile
The bird looks exotic! Beautifully colored, thanks for sharing. And thanks so much for uploading it again in the proper direction. Smile

lakshmiraghu's picture

wow!!!fantastic creation....looks grand gorgeous...lovely strokes/colour/makeup... Smile keep it up..waiting to see more and more...welcome to ikolam....congrats ... :party:

Suguna Murugesan's picture

wooooow beautiful and colourful annam :)congrats :)...welcome to ikolam Smile

jayamohan's picture

Welcome to ikolam with a ROD! Nicely colored swan!

vijaysowmya's picture

Welcome to ikolam...What a beauty this is !!! so wonderfully done kolam. Congrats on ROD

vanihomework's picture


umaraja's picture

colorful,,,, :star: congratzzzzz


Woooooooooooooooow Congrats on ROD, Wonderful rainbow colored swan n strokes r soooooooo beautiful. Welcome to iKolam n want to see more creations from u... Smile

rajamma_2's picture

Welcome to ikolam, Mala madam. Smile What an healthy stylish and colourful Anna Pakshi!. wonderful freehand drawing.Congrats on getting ROD on the first upload itself.

subashini's picture

wonderful .congrats on rod.

Mala_kolam's picture

Thank u all for ur kind wishes. Going to upload few other rangolis in a couple of days

chandy's picture

Colourful, bright bird. Superb! Smile Smile :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

aditya's picture

What a beauty this is !!! Congrats on ROD

karpagam.M's picture

Wonderful Creation :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

rojababu's picture


geethapriya77's picture

Awesome..... Neat, colourful

ammuchandhini's picture

Hi welcome mala...such a pretty rangoli...congrats on rod...eagerly waiting to see more from u Smile

priya gopal's picture

very nice....

aarchi's picture

Very Beautiful Creation. Congrats on ROD. Welcome to Ikolam. Eagerly waiting to see more from you

jasree's picture

Welcome to IK. Congrats on ROD.... Excellent n very colorful lovely

sudhabalakrishnan's picture

Congrats for ROD. very gorgeous looking annapakshi, colouring well done, strokes superb, thanks for sharing,

Mala_kolam's picture

thank you for your encouragement

dsaraswathy's picture

after a very long time I visited our web site. really feast to the eyes. very impressive work. congratulations.