Nanda Deepa
Submitted by mvrajitha on Fri, 2009-08-28 01:52
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I want to know how to make NANDA DEEPA, the lamp which will light on the water. If anyone know about it please tell me.
Fri, 2009-08-28 02:06
Take a glass tumbler and fill it with a little more than of 3/4 water, pour oil on the top of this water (as you know the oil will stay on top) then cover the glass tumbler with a tin sheet that has a slit in the centre and put the wick through the centre into the tumbler. All you have to do is keep on filling the water or oil whichever gets less and the flame will keep on burning always... This is what my mother used to do - any other suggestions??
Sun, 2009-08-30 21:28
Thank you very much Judeline for your ideas, I will try this. Is there any other way to do using candle and sticks in the water filled glass tumbler. I heard of it and I want to know in detail.
Thu, 2009-09-03 04:33
Can anyone tell us how many types of lamps are lightened in India. I have seen Kamakshi deepa in every house, is it must to be in every house?
Thu, 2009-09-03 06:51
You have the Keralite lamp,Kuthuvilaku, Agal Vilaku, Tamarai Vilaku,that is all I could recollect
Thu, 2009-09-03 07:27
There are so many types of Kaivilakku. If u see any malayaalam movie u can see the house decorated with so many hanging vilakku..I'll take poto of the different lamps Iam having. and upload.
Thu, 2009-09-03 23:01
Thank you so much mam, is there any differences in north, south, east or west deepas