Ganesha charanam... Charanam Ganeshaa!
About Ganesha charanam... Charanam Ganeshaa! : PRINT
He has more than thousand Naamaas.Here I used some of the popular naamaas of our beloved Vinayaka to draw this.Hope you all like it.
I took this from an old invitation card.

Sat, 2009-08-22 02:25
Lata, I could finish the drawing only late in the night and in a hurry to upload this picture I forgot to turn it right. Hope Ganesha will forgive me.
Sat, 2009-08-22 02:54
Great idea Rajam ji,your are always novel in your thoughts
Sat, 2009-08-22 03:46
Novel Ganeshji ki jai...
Sat, 2009-08-22 19:17
Excellent Work, Rajamma Ma'am.....
Sun, 2009-08-23 06:15
very nice
Sun, 2009-08-23 20:59
Excellent Work rajammaji
Mon, 2009-08-24 01:41
Rajamma you drew this??? Excellent - must have taken you a while to complete I am sure...
Mon, 2009-08-24 18:56
Rajam madam, I could've rotated the image too, had I realized it during the publishing process. I had seen the image earlier, and wanted to rotate it too. But, when the time came for me to upload it, I had a few seconds only to think (I was leaving for the weekend, and was under a time crunch). Once I realized it after it was published, I opted to leave it the way it was. What is more important; a Ganesh chaturthi kolam by madam before the festival, or one after the festival? Also, turning the neck a little bit now and then is good for everybody too (I'm glad not one person complained)
Anyway, you could upload it once again madam, and I would be happy to replace this one with your new image. Sorry for the trouble
Wed, 2009-08-26 07:10
When one looks at a rangOli, four things happen - (1) you don't like it, (2) you don't dislike it, (3) you like it, (4) you like it and ponder over it. In the first two cases, no comments seem necessary. In the third case, you offer your appreciation immediately and may be suggestions for improvement. In the fourth case, you study it quite carefully and look at it again and again. At the end of it you always feel whether your comments will suffice. Most of your creations belong to this category, ma'am. I craned my neck (!) and looked at it for quite sometime. I was also not so sure of two words even though I saw them like the ones used by you when I searched. They are dhUmakEtu (you said dhUmrakEtu which was also present) and SUrpakarna (you wrote it as SUpakarNa, this was also present in the searches). But in the dictionary, dhUmakEtu and SUrpakarNa are present. dhUmra means more of a redish hue. dhUmakEtu (e.g., dhUmakEtumiva kimapi karAlam - jayadEva daSAvatAra ashTapadi by MS) is a meteor or fire which seems to be more apt for vinAyaka. There is no word like SUpakarNa in Apte's dictionary, only SUrpakarNa (elephant). I did not want to pass as critical by mentioning these. That is the reason why I kept quiet even though I liked the concept as such and its execution by you very much.
Regards! - mOhana
Thu, 2009-08-27 07:29
mOhanaji, so kind of you in correcting the blunder I have made.I am redoing the same and will upload it soon.
In my hurry to put it before Ganesha chathurthi I omitted to verify the names. First I thought of writing all the names with the meaning. Then I thought everybody know that. But one Naama I saw in the book as"Dhoomravarna"which means one whose color is that of smoke, so I assumed 'Dhoomrakethu' also correct.The other name should be Shoorpakarna (one with big elepahant ears)and not Shoopakarna.
In the original invitation card both were written wrongly and I blindly copied it. May be that is why Gansha turned His face while uploading.
I always eagerly await for your commments for all my rangolis, some may not be of your taste, but whenever you ponder over some of them, please, please express your heart felt commments for me to improve more.
Thanking you once again,