paDikOlam - 8
About paDikOlam - 8 : PRINT
This has a central lotus, oval lines instead of straight lines, triangles on four sides, tendrils at four corners, a circular enclosure with flowers and lamps outside the circle. Comments welcome!
Regards! - mOhana

Tue, 2009-08-25 11:22
Any significance regarding using mums in these type of kolams? I noticed that the mums are being present in almost most of your padi kolams.
For people living in California, mums are signs of the Fall season, which means its time to say good bye to the warm days of summer.
Tue, 2009-08-25 17:10
No significance whatsoever! In fact, the othodox may frown at this because it doesn't have a pronounced scent. I like the yellowish orange colour of this flower. It is also round and shperical and so fills the space in a nice manner. Another such flower with these qualities may be suggested. In fact, some don't like the flower to be a part of these rangOlis at all.
Regards! - mOhana
Tue, 2009-08-25 21:33
mOhanaji looks very beautiful.
Tue, 2009-08-25 21:46
Nice variation mOhanaji.
I think these flowers are the Chandu Hoovu(kannada) or the marigold? Usually we south Indians use these flowers only when we are workshipping different forms of Goddess Paravthi (Chamundi, Durga,etc). That too in Satyanarayan Pooja day, its a big no. Yes definitely, flowers without fragrance are not given much importance. But in north, its the common pooja flower.
Tue, 2009-08-25 23:50
beautiful work
Wed, 2009-08-26 01:46
mOhanaji,though the flower is bright and colourful, somehow it does not fit into this padikolam, its brightness takes our attention away from the main padikolam.
(since you said comments welcome, I expressed my views.Hope I have not hurt ur feelings.
By the way ,you are very good in making nice designs with single letters and words combining them in different forms.But when I made Ganesha with some of his Naamaas I expected your comments. But you ignored that. May i know why?)
Wed, 2009-08-26 23:07
I too said the same thing about the marigold before because this particular flower looks bright and bold which makes the padikolam looks milder, whereas it should have been the other way round I thought... In any case the centre padikolam looks lovely...