Advanced poo kolams

judelined's picture


rajamma_2's picture

Judy, Kathirikkaayum, Kathripoovum going round and round and dancing? very nice to see.

subashini's picture

jude,what a put your kolams on kitchen platform. but when you put your kolams on somewhere,it remind us your kitchen things.but you wherever put,it is very cute.

dibbutn's picture

Very beautiful Judy ma'am.. color combination is good too.

radpri's picture

wow beautiful, super kolam & very nice colouring ...

Lata's picture

I like the lavender buds, and the little surprises hidden inside them. Smile

Sumathi.v's picture

Lavender blue dilly dilly,your color combination reminds of the nursery song,cute neat work

Purni's picture

Its awesome, Judy Ma'am..... Colours are very pleasing......

lakshmiraghu's picture

judy it is very beautiful..i like the lavender colour...

judelined's picture

Thank you Rajamma, Subashini, Pushpa, Radha, Lata, Purni and Lakshmi..

Sumathi my god!! thank you for reminding me of that lovely nursery rhyme, I can even remember the tune also - Pity these days kids dont get to learn those lovely old rhymes....