Varalakshmi vratham

Vasi's picture
About Varalakshmi vratham : PRINT

I am sending this to share varalakshmi vratham with u all. It's little late though.

Rangoli: Varalakshmi vratham


lakshmiraghu's picture

WOW!! nice decoration...gajavasthra looks time pl.. show the "BELL" closeup photo.i like that vey the right side of varalakshmi is NITHYA GOWRI??(inside the box)

jayamohan's picture

Good alankaram.
Btw, Lakshmi, what's Gajavastra?

radpri's picture

wow very nice decoration & arrangements it yellow & purple original flowers..?

judelined's picture

No Radha that looks like a woollen garland... Divine Decoration Vasi...

Sumathi.v's picture

Great looks, like a temple alankaram

subashini's picture

very sumathi said,like a temple alankaram.

rajamma_2's picture

Jaya, gajavasthra is the one made of Panju.. the white pinnal like maalai here. u have seen so many in Malleswaram market no?
The other big malai are artificial paper made one I think.
Vasi madam has done excellent decoration, just like a temple alankaaram.

jayamohan's picture

Oh! I mistook 'gaja' for elephant!

Rajusree's picture

All the decorations including mala (wool) and the pavadai everything done by my motherin law (vasi) by herself.

Rajusree's picture

She made one woollen mala for me also. U can see that in my varalakshmi picture too. Anyway thanks for ur comments.

jkmrao's picture

Indeed it looks like temple decorations. varalakshmI must be pleased.
I too always used to wonder about the origin of the word gajavastra. I don't think it has anything to do with gaja (measuring unit) or gaja (elephant). I think it may be a corrupt form of another word, probably gejje because the whole thing looks like an anklet after finishing. When done nicely they have the garland look, a very good substitute for flowers when they are not available.

Regards! - mOhana

lakshmiraghu's picture

mOhanaji yes ur discription is realy suits..gejje is in kannada, gajjalu in i think it turned gajavastra instead of gajja vasthra??hope i have put it correctly ur views please ...

I was informed by eleders that it substute for VASTHRA(cloth) u agree with me?
ur views welcome...

lakshmiraghu's picture

sorry it is gajjelu in the it become gajje become gaja vasthra...

Lata's picture

Nice teamwork between mom-in-law and daughter-in-law! Smile

The vastram part reminds me of Angavastram (a wrapper/body cloth for the shoulder/upper part of the body). My understanding is that both gajevastram or angavastram are type of extra accessories that are worn over the basic cloth, and may not be a substitute?

Purni's picture

Great Work, Vasi Ma'am.... WOnderful Decoration....

viji_j86's picture

Very pretty alankaram.
Varalakshmima is happy acceptin g all I think.