Explanation for Father's Day rangOli

Thanks everybody for your kind comments. This is one rangOli that does NOT deserve to be in the hall of fame Smile It was, as usual, done very quickly. Yes, mahAlakshmi ma'am, here is the pattern without being filled with colour and also the basic motif dAD (d in red, A in blue and D in purple). Enjoy!

Regards! - mOhana

Explanation for Father's Day rangOli  - Clipboard15.jpg
smahalakshmi's picture

Thanks a lot JKM sir for the explanation. Wonderful design created with the word dAD. Now i can see that.

Lata's picture

Wow! The A stands tall like a pillar/tower...as dads are! I still lean on mine, in my mind on some days for some much needed support. Smile

vijaysowmya's picture

Wow...Thanks for your explanation sir!!

ammuchandhini's picture

Wow...superb creativity jkm sir...thanks a lot for ur demo creation :bigsmile: