Fusion kolam

lakshmiraghu's picture
About Fusion kolam : PRINT

This is a doted kolam, dots for this kolam is 9 x 1 staright dots, and extra designs also ....

Rangoli: Fusion kolam


anirudh's picture

super Lakshmiavare....nagamandala, eLe rangoli, ur imagination ...bhahaLa chennagide....super special fusion Smile

nithyaashok's picture

Wow!, really superb! What an imagination? mind blowing!

madhuharini's picture

sikku kolaththileyum asaththureenga lakshmi,superoo super.

radpri's picture

Thumba Thumba Chennagidhe Lakshmiji...."Nanna thale thiruguttidhe" .... Nimma petionesge nanna namanagalu.....
this is fusion = fashion

jayamohan's picture

Lakshmi, this one is different from your usual ones. But Lakshmi's special touch is always there!

brindhanagesh's picture

Lakshmi, i was eagerly waiting to enjoy your kolam but somehow i missed it yesterday. I like that "mayilkann" design around the kolam very much. It has very minute work and very neat also. I am very proud of you because we are friends and envy you because of your talent and patience.

lakshmiraghu's picture

Thank you all for ur sweet comments.

jkmrao's picture

Outstanding! Photograph could have been rotated by may be five degrees to the right.
If you had rotated the designs at the top, bottom and sides by 45 degrees, it is possible to join them too with the running single line design. To me that is the standout. If coloured differently it will be more pronounced.

Regards! - mOhana

ashanagendra's picture

This must have been a bit complicated rangoli Lakshmi??the fruits of your hard work is very sweet for us......it looks perfect fusion rangoli and pretty:)

judelined's picture

Super-o-Super Lakshmi.... All three layers of the outside borders are very neat and beautiful - lovely combi-kolam...

Purni's picture

Really Superb, Lakshmiji..... Traditional design given out in your Unique Style...... totally mindblowing.....

lakshmiraghu's picture

mOhanaji,Asha,Judy, purnima thanks alot