Dotted line kolam

rajamma_2's picture


ammuchandhini's picture

Ada ponga rajamma mam....when u give us a novel method of colouring or u come with another new way of beautician job....i go crazy as to which one to follow....haha...superb kolam and even creative dot-line method by u....hmmm ivlo kutty kutty dots poda enakku varuuuum.....aaanaa...varaaadhu....hehe

umaraja's picture

multi colored miraculous outcome,,,, :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

lakshmiraghu's picture

wow!!dots beauty... :bigsmile: Biggrin hmmm colourful make up looks great...

manivasuki62's picture

Wow such a wonderful kolam
Border and dots in contrast colour are very very nice

chandy's picture

I am simply amazed at your creativity! Lovely, superb, beautiful kolam. Definitely ROD

alameluranganath's picture

Ayyayyooooooooooooo thalai suthuthe superrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr mam. really really super Angel Angel Angel Angel Angel Angel Angel Angel Angel Angel Angel Angel Angel Angel Angel Angel Angel Angel Angel Angel Angel Angel Angel Angel Angel Angel Angel Angel Angel Angel Angel Angel Angel Angel

Suguna Murugesan's picture

:star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :love: :love: :love:

ananthiraju's picture

What a beautiful kolam!Super decoration.

dibbutn's picture

Aiyooo Muruga!!! how much effort has gone into making this Rajamma maam. Dearie I feel ashamed at myself when I see your enthusiasm... awesome work maami. I cant imagine how much time you would have taken to put those kutti kutti dots... this looks very very special with the lovely and extraordinary coloring... he he as usual I will definitely copy your way of doing kolams and I am really shameless in that regard yet sorry about that :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

BalaChandrasekaran's picture

woooooooooooow eyecatching rajam mam i love your center portion with lovely manjal colour and kuuuuuuuuuuuuty dots, fabulous. :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

rajamma_2's picture

Thank you one an all for enjoying this and commenting.
(kolams put in a hurry come on the slide show and get the attention of all, but kolams drawn spending more time get released in a corner and so many people miss to take notice of it....!I request Admn to do something for this.Just give same placement for ALL the kolams).
Pushpa, you have you own style of drawing and colouring which all of us admire!I will be too happy if you copy my new methods of colouring or drawing.This one I did in instalment. Took some 2 hours to complete.
Rani,your chikku kolams with 31x31 dots shows how much patience you have.( u put dots first and draw kolam whereas i drew kolam first and kept dots later.. thats all Wink ) When I put the yellow line inside it was looking dull, then I tried this brown dots over the yellow line and it gave a different look.So after completing the chikku kolam I tried the same method for the border also.
So can I expect line/dot makeup from all of you? Wink Wink

admin's picture

saka's picture

achima, Smile ,this is gomathi here.your kolam is very nice and the colouring way looks very nice and different.i like ur kolam very much i will also try to do colours like this.thank you for teaching a new method.
hello mam,my kutty has told everything ,whatelse, Wink very nice kolam Smile Smile Smile Smile --kanaka

Lata's picture

I enjoyed this dotted bride a lot while publishing it. You have magic in your fingertips and in your mind! :bigsmile:

It doesn't look like it was made in a hurry, and looks gorgeous. I'm sure you are also an expert in cooking up dishes in hurry, and getting great comments from your folks! Wink

vijaysowmya's picture

Wow...What a magnificent and elegant looking kolam Rajamma mam...Nice way to decorate with such small dots....sure would like to give a try. Smile

rajamma_2's picture

Thank you Lata :party: . Seeing your comment after a long time my energy level has gone up! Smile After going thru the details of Kolam uploads, I understand the time and energy spent by you in making things better.Yes, now I use 'rangoli'option to see the missed items.
Sowmya, after a short break nice to see your comments. Thanks
for ur appreciations. when can i see your decorations with dots? Wink

jankinatarajan's picture

super su.............per! Smile Smile Smile

jayamohan's picture

As Lakshmi says you are a good makeup woman!