Margazhi Day-18

ammuchandhini's picture
About Margazhi Day-18 : PRINT

Hello friends...extremely happy to share my 500th kolam here .....thanks a lot Lata and IKOLAM for this wonderful opportunity...and thank u FRIENDS ...without your encouragement i wouldn't be able to achieve this...hope you like this sikku carpet(inspired from jkm sir's old cafe post) done by me...ofcourse with lots of mistakes, smudges etc....ur views pl....

Rangoli: Margazhi Day-18


Lata's picture

Beautiful! Biggrin
Hearty congratulations! :beer:

ammuchandhini's picture

Thank u....thanks a lot Boss... :bigsmile:

Lata's picture

Oh my, what is this I see? Why have you uploaded this kolam again on the 18th, Your highness?? You thought this would be forgotten or burried in the queue! :bigsmile:

Appappa!! Indha MahaRanikku seva seyyave thani aal parkanumpola irrukku! :tired: :bigsmile:

( Translation; We need to hire a separate worker bee just to cater to Rani's works, and give quick service, or else she will upload again and again!! Biggrin )

ammuchandhini's picture

Yes Lata...really I thought this would get burried after a tsunami of awesome pongal kolams seen in our site...further i didn't know how to proceed with my next dated margazhi kolam...important reason is i got a html error while uploading for d first thought it didn't reach SORRY for d inconvenience dear...hope u would've deleted d latter one... :bigsmile:

Suguna Murugesan's picture

wow........... stunning performance rani! hearty congratulations :beer: :party: :love: Dirol

ammuchandhini's picture

Thanks sugu... Smile

lakshmiraghu's picture

Rani hearty congratulations :party: wonderful creation..looks grand..keep it up dear

aarchi's picture

Congrats Rani, i am proud to be member in Ikolam, because of kolam experts like you, lakshmi mam, rajmma mam, uma, suges, chandy , seetha, suba, in short all of you, who are inspiration for beginners like us. Keep the good work

vijaysowmya's picture

Wow...My Heartiest congratulations on your achievement....My best wishes for more and more landmarks like this....Awesome kolam done with beautiful colours...looks fantastic Rani.. :party:

ammuchandhini's picture

Thank u laksh,chithra and sowmi for ur such encouraging words

lakshmiraghu's picture

hehe ..rani ur kolam looks like ‘50,000 colour’ saree ....RmKV advertisement Wink

ammuchandhini's picture

Haha...laksh...exactly 5 cols i have used pa...looks like 50000 cols aah...too much pa... Blum 3

ammuchandhini's picture

Another thing is...nobody Blum 3 is willing to buy me that famous saree which will cost a atleast kolamle yaavadhu nerayya cols use seyyalaamnu aasai pa...eppudiii Biggrin

subashini's picture

congrats rani. your kolam is beautiful.

ammuchandhini's picture

Thanks suba...what happened dear...out of station aah...hope everything is ok at ur place... Smile

subashini's picture

How nice of you to ask ! Thank you rani.Not any specific reason pa."All is well" ha ha ha .some small problems in my health, guests,pongal and so on.That's all. :love: :bigsmile:

umaraja's picture

CONGRATS DEAR,,,this 5 :star: (col)kolam shows ur passion and love on exceeding 500,,,its full of dedication,, joy, sincerity,, etc etc hhhhaaappppaaa grt deed rani,,, :beer: :beer: :beer:

chandy's picture

Am not able to see any mistake, smudges !! Lovely. May you soon reach 1000th kolam and make us all happy!

ammuchandhini's picture

Thanks a lot uma and chandy for ur wishes...chandy...1000th kolam fainting already... :bigsmile:

dibbutn's picture

Biggrin Biggrin Wow Ranima super kolam dear with such multitude of colors, and congrats dear on achieving 500 kolams, super pa Angel

jasree's picture

Wow !!!! Rani Congradulations for the great achievement...... Nice and wonderful & colourful kolam....500kolams .......Can't imagine.... Hats off Rani....

ammuchandhini's picture

Thank u push and jasree for enjoying this kolam... Smile

swathichandu22's picture

Amazing one... congrats Smile

ammuchandhini's picture

Thank u swathi... Smile

rajamma_2's picture

Five centuries !! congrats. Innum not out ! So nice kolam pitch made ready to continue the game?
Blum 3

ammuchandhini's picture

Thanks a lot rajamma mam...ada ada...what a comment...thats why i always feel my kolam pages incomplete without your comments...thanks again mam... :bigsmile:

anirudh's picture

wow wonderful.....cant imagine the record you have reached, we get our daily treats for sure, but this definitely calls for a major event... :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party:

ammuchandhini's picture

Thanks a lot anirudh for ur lovely u want party it click make my trip (to chennai)... :bigsmile:

BalaChandrasekaran's picture

WAREH WAH!!!!!!KOLA RANIKU 'JAY JAY' very very happy to see your 5ooth kolam,wish to reach 1000 soon,awaiting for your wonderful treat. :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

ammuchandhini's picture

Thanks a lot bala for ur encouraging words... Smile