all beauty as one beauty

gowri_ana's picture
About all beauty as one beauty : PRINT

While going to sentosa beach in singapore... got a glimpse of this beautiful art work.. and got a click for our members to enjoy...

Gowri Manohari Narayanan...

Rangoli: all beauty as one beauty


Purni's picture

Mindblowing, Gowri.... A tree with all kinds of colourful flowers, isn't something that everyone gets to see everyday....Thanks a lot for sharing this beautiful piece of art....

rajamma_2's picture

Gowri, want to present a Poochendu like this for ur wedding.

judelined's picture

The rarest tree on earth ever - what a collection of flowers... Missed this when we went to Sentosa couple of years ago Gowri - thanks for sharing this beauty with us...

lakshmiraghu's picture

WOW!!it looks colourfull!!!

indhu420's picture

so lovely... tks 4 sharing.

jkmrao's picture

Beautiful and very well arranged! Years ago, I spent a few hours on Sentosa island. Very beautiful place. Besides the wonderful atmosphere and nice plants and flowers (is there a flower clock somewhere there), two things impressed me most. There is a second world war memorial where we can see seated at the table during the Japanese surrender an Indian general too (Gen Kariappa?). I was most impressed by the rock museum there. I never visited another one like that anywhere else in the world.

Regards! - mOhana

jayamohan's picture

I wonder if all these are real flowers! A flower tree?

leenakrishna's picture

nice bouquet of flowers.

Sumathi.v's picture

Beautiful Bouquet,no words to talk about every aspect in Sentosa,I enjoyed the butterfly park very much

judelined's picture

And we enjoyed the dolphin show there...

radpri's picture

wow flower tree..? mindblowing.....Thank for sharing with us