Marghazhi Spl-7

jasree's picture
About Marghazhi Spl-7 : PRINT

As usual output is not so good Sad Sad Sad

Rangoli: Marghazhi Spl-7


ammuchandhini's picture

Che che why do u say this usual ur kolam is too good looking with such nice cols pa...liked those creepers on d outer sides... Smile .

tara_karthikeyan's picture

very innovative so beautiful kolam jasree Smile

Suguna Murugesan's picture

why pa? beautiful work jayanthi! no doubt Smile

subashini's picture

As usual very beautiful and nice coloring.

lakshmiraghu's picture

Excellent creation ,it looks very nice..lovely border..

BalaChandrasekaran's picture

lovely novel design jai awesomepa. Dirol Dirol Dirol Wink Wink

dibbutn's picture

Why Jayanthi youare saying the outcome is not good... I loved it pa, looks very pretty Smile

umaraja's picture

cool and soft touch is always ur spl jeyanthi,,,,

Padma Prakash's picture

Lovely mat work. It looks like the playing board and nice checker box design.

vijaysowmya's picture

Very different looking kolam and it looks very pretty. Why do you think so??