Margazhi Day-3

ammuchandhini's picture


lakshmiraghu's picture

Flower vase kolam looks lovely....enna rani kolam thalemele velaku eethite.. Wink why lamps on kolam's head?/ Biggrin :bigsmile: Blum 3

Lata's picture

Wow! looks so pretty, the strokes and the colors. Biggrin

ammuchandhini's picture

Thank u laksh and lata...lata u know what my hubby commented....enna paathirathukkulle(pot) kolam pottirukke... |( Wink

Suguna Murugesan's picture


Suguna Murugesan's picture

wow wonderful chikku kolam with beautiful border Smile

dibbutn's picture

Ranima I cannot take my eyes off this beautiful and neat kolam... ungaloda kolam in pot :bigsmile: looks very very beautiful... I liked the simple coloring, makes it look pretty

umaraja's picture

wow,, what a pucca neat kolam dear,,, gud gud,,,,this kudam(pot) kolam has come out so prettily,,,, iam really amazed on seeing ur biggggggg sikkus,,,,,,
:star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

ammuchandhini's picture

Heyy uma...can see ur comment again pa...did u happen to edit it ....soo many stars...thanks dear... :bigsmile:

subashini's picture

Fantastic border design and beautiful kolam rani.

BalaChandrasekaran's picture

very grand kolam rani esp. your outer border.

vijaysowmya's picture

Wow...a very different and well drawn chikku kolam Rani...appappa your designs are always different from the regular ones...I liked that orange coloured border with kuzhal :star:

ammuchandhini's picture copied) copy from a tamil magazine pa... Wink

ammuchandhini's picture

Thank u sugu, push, uma, suba, bala, and sowmi for ur lovely comments... Smile

saka's picture

chikku kolam is very nice.did u do this without referring while putting the kolam--great work.i cant do chikku kolams without referrring for each and every dot..hii hii---kanaka

ammuchandhini's picture

Thank u kanaga mam...its just like my school days...just after my exams r over i forget all d portions...haha...i do practice a lot for a sikku kolam but when i do d next kolam i forget d previous ones.... Wink ..i do have a bit paper of that particular kolam while doing ... Wink

anirudh's picture

seeing lamps at the its combi design of karthika & margaLi?
very nicely done...adding to my library Smile

ammuchandhini's picture

Thank u anirudh and welcome back here after a is a tradition here to keep lighted diyas during karthigai evenings and also margazhi mornings after we finish our margazhi spl kolams... Smile

lakshmiraghu's picture

rani please explain me ..why diyas.. margazhi mornings ?? any reason...?i have this doubt for a long time...

ammuchandhini's picture

I don't know d exact reason pa...but i have heard in my native place(tanjore and trichy) relatives keep diyas in karthigai evenings in addition to their maadam(niche) diyas and also in margazhi mornings....after they finish their kolams....waiting for somebody who has a better answer to this.. Smile .

anirudh's picture

in Karnataka, we only keep diyas during kArthika evenings. Not sure of margaLi.

lakshmiraghu's picture

yes Anirudh in Andhra pradesh and karnataka... diyas during kArthika evenings.but in tamilnadu only i am seeing this...

ammuchandhini's picture hubby is saying as margazhi is a month devoted fully to music, bhakthi and kolams....(as it is not a practice to celebrate any function)...may be ladies in those days did big spl kolams during this month and also kept diyas...even now in srirangam and tanjore we can see lot of elderly men and children chanting bhajans on d streets in d early mornings of this month... Smile

jasree's picture

Very nice kolam with lovely borders...

ammuchandhini's picture

Thank u jasree... Smile

rajamma_2's picture

Rani, ur kudam ( Dirol kolam is so cute with nice kuzhal border.
Rani, I too kep the kolampaper with me while putting chikku kolam for referring then and there.
Regarding the Deepams for margazhi kolam.. may be early morning ladies put the big kolam and to avoid people stamping on it during the early moring fog and dim light, diyas were kept!

ammuchandhini's picture

Thanks rajamma mam...was waiting for ur views since we had that discussion about those diyas....also wanted u to see this sikku kolam... J) ...thanks anyways... Smile