
Priyasribala's picture


Priyasribala's picture

Hi...Keep 5*5 stright dots total 15...and both sides 5*5 join all 5*5 individually and then join the centre portions finally draw outline and give Kaavi...this is very simple Kolam only:)

Suguna Murugesan's picture

wow simply superb! Dirol

umaraja's picture

nice wk priya ,, d kaavi blends well with yellow

subashini's picture

very nice and beautiful.

ammuchandhini's picture

Wow...nicely done inspiration kolam priya...this is one of my favourites too pa... Smile

Radhikha 3's picture

wow very nice..

nithyaashok's picture

Wow, superb!, this is lakshmi akka's creation!

vijaysowmya's picture

Very beautiful and neatly done kolam with a very nice kavi work. Smile

lakshmiraghu's picture

wow very nice..

Padma Prakash's picture

Wow, very nice inspiration kolam. Even I have seen this in the net and like it very much.

vasanthidlr's picture

like lakshmiragus kolam,without seeing the name ican tell that this is preethi rajaganesh kolam.she to has a different style like lakshmiragu. Wink

dibbutn's picture

Very nice kolam, and yes I have seen this kolam on the net as well... beautifully done Smile

BalaChandrasekaran's picture

woooooow very neat presentation good colouring. :star: :star: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

preethirajaganesh's picture

hello priya aunty, im very happy to see my kolam drawn again excellently. this kolam is drawn by me and uploaded in many sites. Thanks to try it out again. thank u.

Suguna Murugesan's picture

hai preethi...how are you? all your kolams are lovely Smile -suguna murugesan

Suguna Murugesan's picture

hai preethi...how are you? your kolams are lovely Smile -suguna murugesan