Banana flower
About Banana flower : PRINT
I saw recently a banana flower rangOli. I did a series of "banana" patterns more
than two months ago. Then, as usual, I got distracted by other interests. When I
saw the above, I went back and dug out this for your eyes. Other banana patterns
some time later. Regards! - mOhana

Tue, 2009-06-16 12:12
At a glance, this reminds me of windmills.
- also reminds me of a tamil movie - "Kandukondein Kandukondein". There is a part where a character in the movie compares how the Indian women would use this flower (or any edible ones for that matter) in cooking, whereas the caucasian/non indian people might use it for scientific purposes! I sort of felt sad at that comment. The people who do use this flower in cooking, I wonder about their level of patience.
Tue, 2009-06-16 20:36
Any recipe with banana flower is a favorite in our home! Of course, taking out the 'kallan'(as we call the central hard part of each small flower) but won't mind doing it for the medicinal values of it!
Tue, 2009-06-16 21:13
For me it looks like four Cessna aircraft ,the front part looks like propeller.nice one
Mohanaji,Banana flower cutlet ......yummy:)
Tue, 2009-06-16 22:00
Hey Asha, your comment is from a Pilot's mother's heart?By the way Vazhaippoo vadai is famousin Tirunelveli side. have you tasted it?
Tue, 2009-06-16 23:49
yes Rajam ma'm i have tasted it,my mother in law preparation is my all time favorite:)
Wed, 2009-06-17 17:59
Beautiful design&the combination of dark shade and light shade has given nice effect mOhanaji,Rajammaji Vazhaippoo poriyal also famous.
Thu, 2009-06-18 11:02
The ones I like in the banana flowers are the thin skin-like things that covers the
Of course another use for those
"thief". We used to collect them, dry them and ask our mother to fry them for us.
They used to just melt on the tongue, yummy
purple banana layers that cover the flowers is to burn it and use it to apply on
the forehead as tilakam during religious feasts before eating. Funnily, we used to
write on them with a nib or pencil.
Regards! - mOhana
Sat, 2009-06-20 00:19
Looks like Thetti Poo (Ixora) to me...