Varalakshmi Vratam

srichak's picture


ammuchandhini's picture

Nice arrangement sridevi...d border kolam is so lovely...what about d bags in d fourth picture...did u make them...nice...

BalaChandrasekaran's picture

lovely preparation.

smahalakshmi's picture

Nice preparation Sridevi. Very neat arrangement. Were those thamboolam bags made by you? If yes, please let us know the procedure. Very nice.


Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

very nice everything looks so pretty including the bags dear

umaraja's picture

i just love those bags, we can try this for navaratri i hope, pls explain d cutting

julien's picture

beautiful arrangments for varalakshmi viratam... lovely bags too...

Suguna Murugesan's picture

wow it looks very divine! n with ur permission i take that yellow bag!-suguna murugesan

dibbutn's picture

Lovely decoration and divine looking arrangement. I will take the pink bag with ur permission since no one is taking it. Poor bag it will feel bad Smile so i will take that.

vijaysowmya's picture

Very beautiful arrangement and nicely decorated by you Sridevi...Nice thaamboola bags...both are good.

Padma Prakash's picture

Nice collage with Devi, decorartion and cute cute bags.

alameluranganath's picture

very nice images

saka's picture

so nice .the bags are very nice,did u make it pls let me know how to make it

srichak's picture

Thanks for such a nice comments from all of you. Sorry, I forgot to write about my little bags. These are my little thamboolam bags with pasupu, kumkum and vakkalu( supari/adike podi). This is very easy to prepare according to our imagination/creativity. For prearing this bags I have used some stock papers. There is no particular size for this bags. Purpose is to keep pasupu, kumkum for thamboolam. I wil try to upload some more bag images for you all.
