
Submitted by jayashree.saravanan on
Rasamalai - Quick and Easy Rasagulla Tin - I used Haldirams rasagulla Milk - 500 ml Condensed Milk - 1/2 tin Badam - 10 numbers cashews - 6-7 numbers pista - 2-3 numbers sugar 2- 3 tsp elachi Powder - 1 tsp Method : 1. Soak Badam,cashews and Pistas for 30 mins and cut them into small pieces. 2.Separate the rasagullas from the tin and keep it in the middle of the palm and squeeze them without sugar syrup and keep aside. 3. In a Non stick kettle pour milk and bring it to a boil. Make sure to keep stirring it when it boils, add condensed milk , sugar and elachi powder and keep stirring again continuously.Until it becomes thick. 4. When its thick off the flame and cool it and put the rasagullas inside and garnish with chopped nuts. 5. Refrigerate it and serve cold.
Dr.Rekha Shetty
yummy ab tho amse saha nahi jata .......ajtho hame ras malai kana hi padega .Aapka yaha chitra hi etne swadist hai ke pucho math .
Thu, 08/04/2011 - 04:09 Permalink
tempting both to try and of course to eat
Thu, 08/04/2011 - 07:20 Permalink
Radhikha 3
yummy ............. Its really easier and quicker method I think so
Sat, 08/06/2011 - 17:50 Permalink
Thanks to all...Dr .rekha...sorry i dont know hindi...dont really understnad what you say...you are invited anytime home... I was out of town for a week ..good to see your comments...thanks again...
Wed, 08/10/2011 - 23:13 Permalink