Origami flowers - Daisies & Labolias

anirudh's picture
About Origami flowers - Daisies & Labolias : PRINT

Origami flowers - Daisies & Labolias - the grass flower vase done by my sister.

Rangoli: Origami flowers - Daisies & Labolias


rajamma_2's picture

Anirudh, I do not know ABCD of origami, but I liked the flowers as well as the pots very much.

Lata's picture

Origami Lobelias and daisies look beautiful! The hand-made vase adds to the beauty of the hand-made flowers!
Please pass along my thanks to your sister too Smile

sjnt's picture

Wonderful! Anirudh and sister. Very motivating flowers and leaves, of course the vases too.

jkmrao's picture

These are quite nice, SrI aniruddha. You must be really proud of them.
I have books with me on origami. But I never tried one Wink

Regards! - mOhana

viji_j86's picture

Hai dear,
Nice creation.
The vase too. Keep doing

ashanagendra's picture

Anirudh, origami flower vase and flowers are beautiful. leaves in two vase are different and nice.

judelined's picture

I am literally spellbound Anirudh... I love the jute vaze so much...

anirudh's picture

Thank you all.

Judyji, the vase is made up of grass Smile

jkmrao's picture

For some amazing origami on a flat paper, see

Regards! - mOhana

sjnt's picture

Mohana sir, I just saw thw origami on flat paper. Just amazing. The effect of floor tiles, 3D tiles , water ripple, man's face, staircase and side railings, and what not, couldn't believe that it is all done on paper. Sometimes I just felt that a figure may come down through the stairways.Thanks for sharing.

sjnt's picture

Anirudh, I tried the lotus flower. It came out beautiful. I want to know how the lotus leaves are made. Pls guide me.

anirudh's picture

Thats nice to hear Jayantiji, sure will post video of it.