sikku kolam 22

BharathiKRaman's picture
About sikku kolam 22 : PRINT

this is 15 to 1 straight dots. uploaded last week but it did not come in gallery.

Rangoli: sikku kolam 22


smahalakshmi's picture

This one has been uploaded already and I remember seeing this kolam. I also remember that you had wrongly given the description as 17 - 1 dots and one of our members pointed out that it is 15 - 1 and not1 17 - 1.

Nice chikku kolam.


smahalakshmi's picture

Kindly check this link - Also in your gallery there are two uploads with the same title "sikku kolam 22".


vasanthi's picture

yes barathy amma, this kolam was already uploaded and we have all given comments for that also. but the dot counts was inadvertently mentioned as 17-1 instead of 15-1

ammuchandhini's picture

Nice kolam bharathy amma..

Pragaya's picture

Nice chikku kolam.

BharathiKRaman's picture

sorry my fault to have uploaded again.

jkmrao's picture

Quite good, eight out of eight Smile

Regards! - mOhana

umaraja's picture

nice wk