Ezhai Kolam

Rajusree's picture
About Ezhai Kolam : PRINT

I made this ezhai kolam when it was raining some places didn't come out great but still sending.

Rangoli: Ezhai Kolam


lakshmiraghu's picture

nice kolam...

judelined's picture

Sree this kolam would have looked better if you had put a kavi border... nicely done though..

Rajusree's picture

Judy maa'm i won't get kaavi here in US. I didn't carry it from India either. Anyway thanks for ur suggestions.

judelined's picture

Sree, when Rajamma was in Singapore she also used to say that she could not get kavi,
but instead you know what she did - she came up with a very unique idea of mixing food
colours with the kolamaavu and incidentally she came up with such rare colour combinations.
You can visit her gallery and see.. for ease of reference I am pasting the link to one of her kolams where she mentioned about the food colouring...

Some of the other colours she used to mix was pink and blue which gave such a pleasant look to her kolams... try it and see next time and I am sure you would love the result and would definitely not miss your kavi colour in future..

Rajusree's picture

Thanks for this information judy maa'm. I will also use the foodcolors in future.