free hand kolam 3

julien's picture


rajamma_2's picture

Cute grapes and colorful lotus buds..... good combination!

jayamohan's picture

Thank you for the juicy grapes!

ammuchandhini's picture

Nice grapes and lotus kolam julien...

nithyaashok's picture

Beautiful green and black grapes with lotus.

subashini's picture

very nice idea to give fruits in summer.Thank you .

P.Veni's picture

So sweet and beautiful.

julien's picture

thank U Rajamma, jaya, ammu mam, nithya, suba and veni...

vasanthi's picture

so sweet grapes julien...shall I take one bunch for my son....???

brindhanagesh's picture

You have served us both the black and green grapes and they are very tasty and the lotuses are cute, Julien:)

Padma Prakash's picture

A very different kolam from you. Both the grapes and lotus are good.

alameluranganath's picture

nice munthiri kolam gud one julie

julien's picture

thank u vasanthi, brindha, padma and alamelu., thanks for your comments...

Dhanachitra's picture

grape juice potu kudikalaama?

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

WOW juli thank for the sweet purple and green grapes enjoyed a lot

smahalakshmi's picture

Nice kolam Julien.


vijaysowmya's picture

Juicy and very tasty grapes.