Izhai kolams drawn by Jayalakshmi

jcwelcomes's picture
About Izhai kolams drawn by Jayalakshmi : PRINT

It was drawn in the entrance of our house on 29th april 2009.

Rangoli: Izhai kolams drawn by Jayalakshmi


Lata's picture

Hi Jaya C madam, thank you for becoming a member! Beautiful ezhai kolam!
If I'm not mistaken, I think we all got a chance to "meet" you already! I'm so glad you accompanied our other rangoli members to the Chennai meet. I'm sure this kolam is just the beginning from your collection Smile

lakshmiraghu's picture

Wow!!! jaya madam excelent....realy it come up nice....

jayamohan's picture

Nice white kolam on the red floor!

Sumathi.v's picture

Damm good mam