Ist page of my published article
About Ist page of my published article : PRINT
Hi friends my review article on "Do we need supplementation of mixed carotenoids" is published in one of the reputed(indexed)Indian medical journal "The Indian Practitioner “,March 2011,vol 64 no.3.I have uploaded 1st page of the article. if it is readable and u r interested then i will try to send the entire article (total 6 pages) for ur information .Please let me know also i need ur valuable suggestions

Fri, 2011-04-08 17:44
Please upload this as a pdf document.
Fri, 2011-04-08 19:44
Sounds interesting rekha lata has said pl upload this as a pdf....
Dr.Rekha Shetty
Fri, 2011-04-08 20:59
Lata thank u for publishing if members r interested then i will try toconvert the word folie into pdf anf try to upload as soon as i am little free
Fri, 2011-04-08 22:21
Rekha maam congrats for this dear... hoping to see the article in the PDF format.
Sat, 2011-04-09 23:42
Dr Rekha, Can you please upload the file in .pdf format as Rani mam, Pushpa and Lata has suggested? I'm finding it somewhat difficult to read in this way.
Sun, 2011-04-10 04:29
Hope to read the entire article soon...
Sun, 2011-04-10 07:26
As soon as possible try to upload it as a pdf document Rekha madam.
Sun, 2011-04-10 23:06
Sounds interesting ..would like to see the full article.
Mon, 2011-04-11 07:42
Congratulations rEkhA ma'am! Unfortunately NIH does not subscribe to this journal. Some articles from IP are highlighted in Pubmed, but I haven't read this one. So as many have indicated, a pdf file becomes necessary to digest your article's contents. Of course, carotenoids are essential as antioxidants and scavengers of free radicals. Rule of thumb - Coloured vegetables are good for health. Tomatoes, green leaves, many fruits and vegetables belong to this category. Certain vegetables are good for certain conditions. Egg plants (brinjals), beans and collard greens are extremely effective in lowering blood sugar. It is a pity people have not identified the active ingredients to get potent pills from these yet. I heard that some research work was being carried out in TamilNadu on brinjals. But I am not sure of the outcome. Of course, my interest is in the crystal and molecular structures of proteins that play a role in disease. Our lab was the first to study the structure of the HIV-1 proteases the models of which were used for the drug discovery. The trouble is a single amino acid change in a crucial protein may make the difference between health and disease. I think I already clarified on the picture as a comment to a rangOli. That picture (taken out of a group photograph) was clicked more than 25 years ago while I was in Purdue. Actually you may google it for images with my name.
Regards! - mOhana
Dr.Rekha Shetty
Tue, 2011-04-12 21:04
Rao sir, from my core of heart i thank u .I will ask the publisher to give the pdf file of my article and upload it for ur information .My Managing Director and Chair man have gone through the article and they have remarkes as excellent .and both of them congratulated me for this .Sir I have introduced the concept of micxcarotenoids in India way back in 2000.and i have given the strategies which worked well .Infarct, Dr. Borowiska from USA attended my lecture and she really appreciated it as i answered why we need to to take mixed carotenooids. Sir it is very interesting to know that u work on the molecular structures particularly the proteins .many a time I felt it in ur rangols.Yes u r absolutely right one amino acid interchange or deleted or added to the protein chain can lead to tremendous danger or benefit .Wish i should have been in your lab as i was very much interested in biochemistry .Gene coding was my favorite .If life gives me a chance i will definitely work in this field.
Rao sir I asked u how many years back this picture clicked was really a part of joke .u still look very smart, handsome and respectful. i have already gone through ur profile picture form google . Once again thank u for the detailed knowledge shared by u now and then