Kolam for Durga pooja

Sravanthi Prasad's picture
About Kolam for Durga pooja : PRINT

My kolam for Durga Pooja in October last year.I draw kolams daily with my own imagination.

Rangoli: Kolam for Durga pooja


Lata's picture

Hello, welcome to ikolam! Smile
This rangoli for Goddess Durga looks beautiful. I also like the borders you had made. Thank you for sharing your wonderful skills here with all of us.

ammuchandhini's picture

Hai welcome....lovely colourful rangoli...waiting to see more from u....

dibbutn's picture

Welcome to Ikolam, pretty looking freehand kolam... in my opinion, freehand kolam needs lots of imagination and artistic outlook, this kolam proves, ur good at it... looking forward to more from u.

P.Veni's picture

Looks very pretty..

mahimasharma's picture

beautiful rangoli.....

Sravanthi Prasad's picture

Thanks All.Glad to have quite a huge response from all of you.
Can anybody tell me why i am not listed in the gallery and i couldn't find 4-5 other uploads of mine.
How to check the Kolams i uploaded ?


Suguna Murugesan's picture

welcome to ikolam! pretty rangoli!-suguna murugesan

smahalakshmi's picture

Very pretty rangoli


bsindhuja's picture

Welcome to ikolam, Sravanthi! Very pretty kolam.... with nice colours.
Sravanthi, a gallery in your name is made only after some 5-6 (not sure about exact number) of your kolams are published. Lata also informs us once a gallery is made in the name of a member...

jkmrao's picture

As pretty as the other one!

Regards! - mOhana

vijaysowmya's picture

Hi...welcome...your rangoli is very pretty with mild colors...

Vinci's picture

Pretty rangoli.