Kolam using stencils

sjnt's picture
About Kolam using stencils : PRINT

Here, sending stencil kolams. The designs are endless. You can create designs in combination with different stencils, repeat the same stencil around the centre one etc, and the imagination is yours.

Rangoli: Kolam using stencils


Lata's picture

Very nice! Looks like you can rotate the stencil and make advanced designs also. Smile

rajamma_2's picture

Lata, having introduced a versatile kolam expert cum artist, I think I can now take retirement.

gowri_ana's picture


To understand how stencil works.

Jayanthy - this is what is called revolution.

swethaiyer's picture

its too good!...I wish there was a favorite button, so you can save it! thanks a lot!